Mental Logs Strip Generator by Bart Nijs

version 1.0

This tool generates strips that can be used as Mental Logs. However there are some major differences between the numbers generated here and the commercially available Mental Logs.

How it works:

Every time you click on Generate a new set of strips is generated from scratch. The tool will always attempt to generate unique combinations without any duplicate numbers first. If it doesn't succeed it will resort to adding adding duplicates, BUT there will never be a strip that is the duplicate of another strip looking at the front and the back. All front/back combinations will be unique.


You can find all of the credits in this thread at the Magic Café about creating your own metal logs.

I highly encourage you to read the whole thread.It's very interesting and it almost reads like a novel.

Special thanks to Thomas Henry, hcs and robinr the geniuses who did most of the research.

In time I will update the credits here. For now I'm focussing on the technical side of things.

According to research by another member at the café, saxonia, the first occurence in print of the basic principle use here dates back to around 1810. Kerndörffer, H. A., Der kleine Taschenspieler und Magier, (Pirna, Germany: C.A. Friese, no date, but circa 1810), pp. 187-190.